In January of 2020, a little boy named Nico Josiah (2 years old at the time), was placed on life support following a tonsillectomy. His lungs shut down and-his heart went into overdrive. He suffered a stroke, lost oxygen to part of his brain, internal bleeding, numerous infections and was placed on a ventilator. His parents were told he would need a lung transplant if he survived. It was during this trying time, faith was molded and tested. For we walk by faith, not by sight [2 Corinthians 57].
Although, he had a good care team, some doctors did not seem hopeful as Nico continued lying hospitalized in a lifeless state. Yet his parents along with his village still kneeled in prayer, day in and day out, petitioning & trusting God for a miracle.
Two long weeks passed, but on the third week, Nico was miraculously released from life support! He no longer needed the artificial support. The internal bleeding subsided and the lung transplant was no longer a need because his lungs did something doctors had never seen before... regenerate. No one could do this, But God!
It is through this, Nico's mom, the founder of Chosen Nation, vowed to share his/their story with the world. For it is"by his stripes we are healed" [Isaiah 53:5].
We praise God for his miraculous healing!
Nico and his mom